“My fellow labmates, ask not what the science can do for you, ask what you can do for the science.”
Fira, Santorini, Greece, 2005 Summer

View of Santorini, Greece, from Fira. Across the volcanic caldera, the Nea and Palea Kameni islands (middle right) have been volcanically active since 197 B.C. The Akrotiri peninsula (top left) was an area of major Bronze Age settlement that was destroyed but preserved by the Minoan eruption in the late 17th century B.C. See pages 548 and 565. Photo: Sturt Manning
Mansfield Center, CT, USA, 2016 Summer
Chi-Ming Chen, PhD
Associate Professor
Clinical Psychology PhD Program
Department of Psychological Sciences
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269
Professor Chen is currently on sabbatical for the 2025 Spring Semester.
chi-ming.chen (at) uconn.edu
Office: (860) 486-3521
Postdoc, Columbia University, 2010 (psychiatry)
Postdoc, Yale University, 2007 (psychiatry)
Ph.D., Yeshiva University, 2007 (clinical psychology)
B.S., National Cheng Kung University, 2000 (occupational therapy)
Honors and Awards
2014-2018 2013 NARSAD Young Investigator Award, Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
2011-2012 Fall 2011 Faculty Large Grant Award, University of Connecticut
2010-2011 Pisetsky Young Investigator Award, Columbia University Medical Center
2010 NCDEU 50th Anniversary New Investigator Award, NCDEU 50th Anniversary Meeting
2009-2010 Imaging Core Pilot Award, the Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, Columbia University Medical Center
2008 Travel Award for “Navigating Your Way through a Successful Research Career”, NIMH
2004-2007 Educational Assistantship, Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc.
2003-2005 Bitensky Family Scholarship, Yeshiva University.
2002-2005 Ferkauf Graduate School Scholarship, Yeshiva University.
Doctoral Dissertation Findings
Chen, C.-M., Lakatos, P., Shah, A.S., Mehta, A.D., Givre, S.J., Javitt, D.C., & Schroeder, C.E. (2007). Functional anatomy and interaction of fast and slow visual pathways in macaque monkeys. Cerebral Cortex, 17: 1561-1569. PMID: 16950866
Summary: Current dynamic models of visual processing suggest that rapid inputs to higher order ventral stream regions modulate the processing of slower, more information-dense inputs. There is also an indication that the rapid “framing” inputs may not utilize standard feedforward pathways. To evaluate these propositions, we measured the timing, areal distribution, and laminar profile of fast, wavelength-insensitive and slower, wavelength-sensitive responses in V1 and extrastriate areas, using laminar current-source density analysis in awake macaque monkeys. There were two new main findings: 1) Wavelength-sensitive inputs in areas V1, V4, and IT cortex lagged the wavelength-insensitive responses by significant margins; additionally, this lag increased over successive levels of the system. 2) Laminar activation profiles in V4 and IT were inconsistent with feedforward input through the ascending ventral cortical pathway; the likely alternative input routes include both lateral inputs from the dorsal stream and direct inputs from nonspecific thalamic neurons.
Importance: Based on these results, a review in Nature Reviews Neuroscience (Pessoa & Adolphs, 2010) expressed that “we argue that visual pathways other than a colliculus–pulvinar–amygdala pathway carry out this role (see also REFs 68,69).” Another review titled “Visual Consciousness Revisited” (Tapia & Breitmeyer, 2011) stated: “According to a general “frame-and-fill” approach (Chen et al., 2007) to visual processing, the M channels responding to their preferred low-spatial-frequency content…this fast activation potentiates, or “frames,” the processing of the later arriving inputs along the slower ventral P pathway that carries the “fill” consisting of the detailed form and color- and luminance-contrast contents required to construct a high-resolution object representation (Chen et al., 2007).”
Postdoctoral Research Findings
Summary: During my post-doctoral trainings, I continued to pursue my goal of understanding interactive mechanisms among visual cortical areas in macaque monkeys. Our initial findings (Rajkai, et al., 2008) laid a foundation for describing saccade mechanisms across the visual system (Chen et al., in preparation). One of my post-doctoral research objectives was to learn how to translate physiological knowledge into early detection and treatments for neurophysiological disorders. In one project (expanded from my master’s thesis), we used scalp visual-evoked potentials to detect visual pathway malfunction to determine possible early glaucoma development (Zemon, et al., 2008). In another project, we were interested in testing the hypothesis that auditory hallucinations stem from the failure to generate an efference copy, which prepares the auditory cortex to distinguish self-generated speech or thought from externally generated language. We were able to test this hypothesis by analyzing electrocorticogram data from presurgical epilepsy patients. The results of this investigation provided evidence of a manifestation of an efference copy (Chen, et al., 2011). To further integrate a variety of measures and analyses, I led a project, supported by the Lieber Center for Schizophrenia Research and Treatment, to investigate a model positing causal relationships among prefrontal GABAergic abnormalities (measured via magnetic resonance spectroscopy), disordered neural synchrony (measured via topographical EEG), and impaired working memory (assessed via neurocognitive tasks).
Importance: My post-doctoral research focused on advancing the state of science in brain and behavior research through interdisciplinary research, ranging from basic to clinical topics. The field has supported the integration and translation of basic and clinical neuroscience research, and our research studies demonstrate the growing need for more basic and translational research that extends across traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Chinese-Speaking Schizophrenia Patients
Yang, L.H., Chen, S., Chen, C.-M., Khan, F., Forchelli, G., & Javitt, D.C. (2012). Schizophrenia, culture and neuropsychology: sensory deficits, language impairments, and social functioning in Chinese-speaking schizophrenia patients. Psychological Medicine, 42(7): 1485-1494. PubMed PMID: 22099474
Summary: This is the first study to evaluate auditory processing in tonal-language schizophrenia patients. Consistent with the priori prediction, schizophrenia patients were impaired in both basic tone processing and auditory word processing, with significant correlation between the two measures. Schizophrenia patients with auditory sensory impairments showed significantly worse social-occupational function than those with intact word recognition, suggesting a link between sensory impairment and overall functional outcome. Thus, while neurophysiological deficits associated with schizophrenia patients are likely the same across cultures, consequences of such deficits may be language and culture dependent.
Importance: This study pulls together different measures to ask cross-cultured questions about the sensory deficits and language processing impairments in schizophrenia. This is the first study to evaluate auditory processing in tonal-language schizophrenia patients. Based on the present findings, we hope to develop international collaborations on cross-cultured studies in schizophrenia. Most important of all, sensory and language processing impairments in schizophrenia are significant causes of social dysfunctions, thus understanding their etiology and identifying potential treatment targets could have a major impact on public health.
Teaching at UConn
Undergraduate Courses
PSYC 2100WQ: Principles of Research in Psychology (Fall Semesters)
PSYC 2300: Abnormal Psychology (Spring Semesters)
Graduate Courses
PSYC 5285: Neurobiology of Aging: Changes in Cognitive Processes
PSYC 5370: Current Topic-Neural Basis of Cognitive and Affective Processes
PSYC 5105: Foundations of Research in Psychological Sciences II (a.k.a. graduate school statistical sequence II)
Refereed Journal Articles
- Lakatos, P., Chen, C.-M., O’Connell, M.N., Mills, A., & Schroeder, C.E. (2007). Neuronal oscillations and multisensory interaction in primary auditory cortex. Neuron, 53:279-292. NIHMSID: NIHMS16666 PMID: 17224408 5-Year Impact factor (2011): 15.710
- Chen, C.-M., Lakatos, P., Shah, A.S., Mehta, A.D., Givre, S.J., Javitt, D.C., & Schroeder, C.E. (2007). Functional anatomy and interaction of fast and slow visual pathways in macaque monkeys. Cerebral Cortex, 17: 1561-1569. PMID: 16950866 5-Year Impact factor (2011): 7.058
- Rajkai, C., Lakatos, P., Chen, C.-M., Pincze, Z., Karmos, G., & Schroeder, C.E. (2008). Transient cortical excitation at the onset of visual fixation. Cerebral Cortex, 18: 200-209. PMID: 17494059 5-Year Impact factor (2011): 7.058
- Zemon, V., Tsai, J.C., Forbes, M., Al-Aswad, L.A., Chen, C.-M., Gordon, J., Greenstein, V., Hu, G., Strugstad, E.C., Dhrami-Gavazi, E., & Jindra, L.F. (2008). Novel electrophysiological instrument for rapid and objective assessment of magnocellular deficits associated with glaucoma. Documenta Ophthalmologica, 117: 233-243. PubMed PMID: 18483820 5-Year Impact factor (2011): 1.882
- Chen, C.-M., Mathalon, D.H., Roach, B.J., Cavus, I., Spencer, D.D., & Ford, J.M. (2011). The corollary discharge in humans is related to synchronous neural oscillations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(10): 2892-2904. PubMed PMID: 20946054 5-Year Impact factor (2011): 6.268
- Yang, L.H., Chen, S., Chen, C.-M., Khan, F., Forchelli, G., & Javitt, D.C. (2012). Schizophrenia, culture and neuropsychology: sensory deficits, language impairments, and social functioning in Chinese-speaking schizophrenia patients. Psychological Medicine, 42(7): 1485-1494. PubMed PMID: 22099474 5-Year Impact factor (2011): 6.132
- Robins, D.L., Casagrande, K., Barton, M.L., Chen, C.-M., Dumont-Mathieu, T., & Fein, D. (2014). Validation of the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers-Revised with Follow-up (M-CHAT-R/F). Pediatrics, 133(1): 37-45. PubMed PMID: 24366990 5-Year Impact factor (2012):930
- Herlihy, L.E., Brooks, B., Dumont-Mathieu, T., Barton, M.L., Fein, D., Chen, C.-M., & Robins, D.L. (2014). Standardized screening facilitates timely diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in a diverse sample of low-risk toddlers. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 35(2): 85-92. PubMed PMID: 24509053 5-Year Impact factor (2012):578
- Chen, C.-M.A., Stanford, A.D., Mao, X., Abi-Dargham, A., Shungu, D.C., Lisanby, S.H., Schroeder, C.E., & Kegeles, L.S. (2014). GABA level, gamma oscillation, and working memory performance in schizophrenia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4: 531-539. NIHMSID: NIHMS581442 Impact Factor: 3.857;5-year Impact Factor: 3.981 (NeuroImage: Clinical is a new online only, open access, peer reviewed journal in clinical neuroimaging; its sister journal, NeuroImage, has 5-Year Impact Factor: 6.797).
- Long, L.L., Hinman, J.R., Chen, C.-M., Escabí, M.A., & Chrobak, J.J. (2014). Theta dynamics in rat: speed and acceleration across the septotemporal axis. PLoS ONE, 9(5): e97987. PubMed PMID: 24842406 Impact Factor (2013): 3.534; 5-year Impact Factor (2013): 4.015
- Long, L.L., Hinman, J.R., Chen, C.-M., Stevenson, I.H., Read, H.L., Escabí, M.A., & Chrobak, J.J. (2014). Novel acoustic stimuli can alter locomotor speed to hippocampal theta relationship. Hippocampus, 24(9), 1053-1058. PMID: 24866396 Impact Factor (2013): 4.302; 5-year Impact Factor (2013): 5.059
- Brennan, L., Barton, M., Chen, C.-M., Green, J., & Fein, D. (2015). Detecting Subgroups in Children Diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(5), 1329-1344. PubMed PMID: 25374133 Impact Factor (2014): 3.665;5-year Impact Factor (2014): 4.587
- Cho, R.Y., Walker, C.P., Polizzotto, N.R., Wozny, T.A., Fissell, C., Chen, C.-M.A., & Lewis, D.A. (2015). Development of sensory gamma oscillations and cross-frequency coupling from childhood to early adulthood. Cerebral Cortex, 25(6): 1509-1518.First published online: December 10, 2013; PubMed PMID: 24334917 5-Year Impact factor (2012):463
- Troyb, E., Knoch, K., Herlihy, L., Stevens, M. C., Chen, C. M., Barton, M., Treadwell, K., and Fein, D. A. (2016). Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors as Predictors of Outcome in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(4), 1282-1296. Impact Factor (2014): 665; 5-year Impact Factor (2014): 4.587
- Johannesen, J.K., Bi, J., Jiang, R., Kenney, J.G., &Chen, C-M.A. (2016). Machine learning identification of EEG features predicting working memory performance in schizophrenia and healthy adults. Neuropsychiatric Electrophysiology, 2:3. DOI: 1186/s40810-016-0017-0
- Suh, J., Orinstein, A., Barton, M., Chen, C.-M., Eigsti, I.-M., Ramirez-Esparza, N., & Fein, D. (2016). Ratings of Broader Autism Phenotype and Personality Traits in Optimal Outcomes from Autism Spectrum Disorder.Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(11), 3505-3518. PubMed PMID: 27538964 Impact Factor (2014): 665; 5-year Impact Factor (2014): 4.587
- Brennan, L.A., Fein, D., Como, A., Rathwell, I.C., & Chen, C.-M. (2016). Use of the Modified Checklist for Autism -Albanian to Screen for ASD in Albania. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(11), 3392-3407. PubMed PMID: 27491423 Impact Factor (2014): 665; 5-year Impact Factor (2014): 4.587
- Michaels, T. I., Long, L. L., Stevenson, I. H., Chrobak, J. J., & Chen, C.-M. A. (2018). Effects of chronic ketamine on hippocampal cross-frequency coupling: Implications for schizophrenia pathophysiology. European Journal of Neuroscience, 48(8), 2903-2914. DOI:10.1111/ejn.13822 Impact Factor (2016): 941; 5-year Impact Factor (2016): 3.288
- So, R.P., Kegeles, L.S., Mao, X., Shungu, D.C., Stanford, A., & Chen, C.-M. (2018). Long-range gamma phase synchronization as a compensatory strategy during working memory in high-performing patients with schizophrenia. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 40(7), 663-681. PubMed PMID: 29388507 Impact Factor (2016): 839; 5-year Impact Factor (2016): 2.262
- Ly*, M.T., Rowny*, S.B., Kluisza, L., Casal-Roscum, L., Prudic, J., Chen, C.-M. (2020). Smaller Increase in Delta Post-Ictal Suppression in Magnetic Seizure Therapy than Electroconvulsive Therapy in Geriatric Patients with Severe Depression: A Multi-Case Study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 131(6):1219-1220. Impact Factor (2018): 675
- Wieckowski, A.T., Hamner, T., Nanovic, S., Porto, K.S., Coulter, K.L., Eldeeb, S.Y., Chen, C.-M.A., Fein, D.A., Barton, M.L., Adamson, L.B., & Robins, D.L. (2021). Early and Repeated Screening Detects Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Pediatrics, 234, 227-235. Impact Factor (2019): 700
- Wieckowski, A.T., Thomas, R.P., Chen, C.-M.A., Zitter, A., Fein, D.A., Barton, M.L., Adamson, L.B., & Robins, D.L. (2021). Effect of Brief Training to Identify Autism Spectrum Disorder During Toddler Well-Child Care Visits. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 42(8), 666-671. Impact Factor (2019): 056
- Farina, E.A., Assaf, M., Corbera, S., & Chen, C.-M. (2022). Factors Related to Passive Social Withdrawal and Active Social Avoidance in Schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 210(7), 490-496. Impact Factor (2020): 2.254
- Ly, M. T., Scarneo-Miller, S. E., Lepley, A. S., Coleman, K., Hirschhorn, R., Yeargin, S., Casa, D. J., & Chen, C.-M. (2022). Combining MRI and cognitive evaluation to classify concussion in university athletes. Brain Imaging and Behavior. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11682-022-00687-w Impact Factor (2021): 3.43
Farina, E. A., Assaf, M., Corbera, S., Choi, J., Yantz, C., & Chen, C.-M. (2025). Social functioning and frontal alpha asymmetry in schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 182, 74–82. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2025.01.006
Published Abstracts
- Zemon, V.M., Tsai, J.C., Chen, C.-M., Forbes, M., Dhrami-Gavazi, E., Gordon, J., Greenstein, V., Hu, G., & Strugstad, C. (2005). A novel electrophysiological instrument for rapid and objective assessment of glaucomatous damage. Ophthalmol. Vis.Sci., 46: E-abstract 3758 5-Year Impact factor (2011): 3.862
- Kegeles, L.S., Chen, C.-M., Mao, X., Stanford, A.D., Shungu, D.C., Lisanby, S.H. (2010). GABA, neuronal synchrony, and working memory performance in schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacology, 35 (Supplement 1s), S141-142. 5-Year Impact factor (2011): 7.223
- Kegeles, L.S., Chen, C.-M., Mao, X., Stanford, A.D., Shungu, D.C., & Lisanby, S.H. (2011). Frontal cortex GABA, oscillations, and working memory in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 37 (Supplement 1), 125. 5-Year Impact factor (2011): 8.857
- Chen, C.-M., Javitt, D.C., Chen, S., Khan, F., & Yang, L.H. (2011). Relationship between sensory deficits and language processing impairments in Chinese schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 37 (Supplement 1), 240-241. 5-Year Impact factor (2011): 8.857
- Kegeles, L.S., Mao, X., Ojeil, N., Massuda, R., Pedrini, M., Chen, C.-M., Slifstein, M., Abi-Dargham, A., Milak, M., Rodriguez, C., & Shungu, D.C. (2013). Time course of ketamine effects on brain glutamate and GABA levels measured with 1H-MRS. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 39 (Supplement 1), 140. 5-Year Impact factor (2011): 8.857
- Kegeles, L.S., Chen, C.-M., Mao, X., Ojeil, N., Gil, R., Slifstein, M., Abi-Dargham, A., Stanford, A., Lisanby, S.H., Schroeder, C.E., & Shungu, D.C. (2013). GABA abnormalities in schizophrenia: Relation to function. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 39 (Supplement 1), 139. 5-Year Impact factor (2011): 8.857
- So, R.P., Steffen-Allen, F., Kegeles, L.S., Chrobak, J.J., & Chen, C.-M.A. (2014). Differences in Patterns of Neural Connectivity Between Schizophrenia Patients and Healthy Individuals Using Correct Trials of a Working Memory Task. Biological Psychiatry, 75(9), Supplement, S203. 5-Year Impact factor (2013):10.347
- Steffen-Allen, F., So, R.P., Kegeles, L.S., Chrobak, J.J., & Chen, C.-M.A. (2014). Predictive Utility of Single-trial EEG Analysis in Schizophrenia: Working Memory Performance and GABA Levels. Biological Psychiatry, 75(9), Supplement, S203. 5-Year Impact factor (2013):10.347
- Kegeles, L.S., Mao, X., Ojeil, N., Massuda, R., Pedrini, M., Chen, C.-M., Slifstein, M., Abi-Dargham, A., Milak, M., Rodriguez, C., & Shungu, D.C. (2014). GABA and glutamate as potential therapeutic targets in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 153 (Supplement 1), S85. 5-Year Impact factor (2014): 4.644
- Bi, J., Xu, T., Chen, C.-M.A., & Johannesen, J.K. (2015). Spatio-Temporal Modeling of EEG Data for Understanding Working Memory. ICML Workshop on Statistics, Machine Learning and Neuroscience, Published conference proceedings of the 32nd International Conference onMachine Learning (ICML 2015), Lille, France
- Kegeles, L., Stolz, E. (g), Mao, X., Ojeil, N., Massuda, R., Pedrini, M., Bayatmokhtari, M., Slifstein, M., Abi-Dargham, A., Milak, M., Rodriguez, C., Chen, C.-M., Shungu, D. (2018). 3.3 Disturbances in neural oscillations, glutamate, and GABA: effects of ketamine and comparison to schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 44(Suppl 1), S2. http://doi.org/10.1093/schbul/sby014.005 Impact Factor (2016): 7.575; 5-year Impact Factor (2016): 8.054
- Michaels, T.I. (g),Ly, M. (g), Wang, L., Chen, C-M.A., Molfese, P., & Burke, J.D (2018). Combined Resting State fMRI and EEG Investigation of Irritability. Biological Psychiatry, 83(9), S367. Impact Factor (2019): 12.095
- Michaels, T. (g)., Chen, C.-M., Hancock, R., Corlett, P., & Powers, A. (2021). Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Investigation of Conditioned Auditory Percepts. Biological Psychiatry, 89(9), S154. Journal Impact Factor (2020): 13.382 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.02.395
- McGinnis, T., O’Connell, N., Mills, A., Shah, A. S., Lakatos, P., Knuth, K.H., Chen, C., Karmos, G., & Schroeder, C.E. (2003). A spatiotemporal map of 40Hz oscillations across visual areas in an awake macaque. Society for Neuroscience 33rd Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
- Shah, A. S., Knuth, K. H., Lakatos, P., Chen, C.M., & Schrieder, C. E. (2003). Differentially variable component analysis (dVCA): A single-trial analysis method for sensory responses and ongoing oscillations. Society for Neuroscience 33rd Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
- Lakatos, P., Shah, A. S., McGinnis, T., O’Connell, N., Mills, A., Knuth, K., Chen, C., Rajkai, C., Karmos, G., & Schroeder, C. E. (2004). Oscillatory hierarchy controlling cortical excitability and stimulus integration. Society for Neuroscience 34th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Chen, C., Lakatos, P., Rajkai, C., Shah, A. S., & Schroeder, C. E. (2004). Neurophysiology of intermodal selective attention in macaque auditory cortex. Society for Neuroscience 34th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Rajkai, C., Shah, A.S., Lakatos, P., Chen, C., & Schroeder, C.E. (2005). Visual fixation-related neuronal activity in monkeys. Society for Neuroscience 35th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Zemon, V.M., Tsai, J.C., Chen, C.-M., Forbes, M., Dhrami-Gavazi, E., Gordon, J., Greenstein, V., Hu, G., & Strugstad, C. (2005). A novel electrophysiological instrument for rapid and objective assessment of glaucomatous damage. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2005 Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
- Lakatos, P., Chen, C.-M., Mehta, A.D., Karmos, G., & Schroeder, C.E. (2006). Modulation of ambient brain oscillations by attention to stimulus trains. Society for Neuroscience 36th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
- Chen, C.-M., Kegeles, L.S., Kayser, J., Tenke, C.E., Stanford, A.D., Schroeder, C.E., & Lisanby, S.H. (2008).Working memory deficits in schizophrenia: Neural oscillation and GABAergic dysfunctions in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Society for Neuroscience 38th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Chen, C.-M., Luber, B., Stanford, A.D., Schroeder, C.E., & Lisanby, S.H. (2009). Cross-frequency coupling analysis on scalp EEG in healthy individuals while performing a working memory task with active and sham 5 Hz repetitive TMS. Society for Neuroscience 39th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Cycowicz, Y.M., Peterchev, A.V., Chen, C.-M., Luber, B., Chan, B., Schroeder, C.E., & Lisanby, S.H. (2009). Differences in seizure spread and spectral power in scalp and intracerebral recordings of magnetic seizure therapy (MST) and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) 48th Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL.
- Chen, C.-M., Kegeles, L.S., & Lisanby, S.H. (2010). GABA, neuronal synchrony, and neurocognitive efficiency in schizophrenia. NCDEU 50th Anniversary Meeting, Boca Raton, FL.
- Hu, G., Tsai, J.C., Gordon, J., Chen, C.-M., Greenstein, V.C., & Zemon, V. (2010). Detection of early-stage glaucoma based on electrophysiological measures. APAO-AAO Joint Congress 25th Meeting, Beijing, China
- Kegeles, L.S., Chen, C.-M., Mao, X., Stanford, A.D., Shungu, D.C., & Lisanby, S.H. (2010). GABA, neuronal synchrony, and working memory performance in schizophrenia. The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) 49th Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL.
- Kegeles, L.S., Chen, C.-M., Mao, X., Stanford, A.D., Shungu, D.C., & Lisanby, S.H. (2011). Frontal cortex GABA, oscillations, and working memory in schizophrenia. International Congress on Schizophrenia Research (ICoSR) 13th Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO.
- Chen, C.-M., Javitt, D.C., Chen, S., Khan, F., & Yang, L.H. (2011). Relationship between sensory deficits and language processing impairments in Chinese schizophrenia patients. International Congress on Schizophrenia Research (ICoSR) 13th Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO.
- Brennan, L., Barton, M.L., Chen, C.-M., Greene, J.A., & Fein, D.A. (2012). Identifying subgroups within pervasive developmental disorder–not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). The International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Corriveau, J.A., Carmona, V.E., LaRossa, C., Chen, C.-M., & Chrobak, J.J. (2012). Predicting error type: Temporal and pharmacological manipulations of proactive interference in a delayed matching-to-sample radial water maze task. Society for Neuroscience 42nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Long, L.L., Hinman, J.R., Chen, C.-M., Escabi, M.A., & Chrobak, J.J. (2012). Theta dynamics: Speed, velocity, acceleration and contribution to cognition. Society for Neuroscience 42nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Kegeles, L.S., Mao, X., Ojeil, N., Massuda, R., Pedrini, M., Chen, C.-M., Slifstein, M., Abi-Dargham, A., Milak, M., Rodriguez, C., & Shungu, D.C. (2012). Neurochemical effects of ketamine administration in healthy humans: An MRS time-course study. The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) 51st Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL.
- Kegeles, L.S., Mao, X., Ojeil, N., Massuda, R., Pedrini, M., Chen, C.-M., Slifstein, M., Abi-Dargham, A., Milak, M., Rodriguez, C., & Shungu, D.C. (2013). Time course of ketamine effects on brain glutamate and GABA levels measured with 1H-MRS. International Congress on Schizophrenia Research (ICoSR) 14th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
- Domingues, J., Treadwell, K.R., & Chen, C.-M. (2013). Attention Modification Training: Longitudinal Dose-Response Relationship. The 84th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY.
- Kegeles, L.S., Mao, X., Ojeil, N., Massuda, R., Pedrini, M., Chen, C.-M., Slifstein, M., Abi-Dargham, A., Milak, M., Rodriguez, C., & Shungu, D.C. (2013). J-editing/MEGA-PRESS Time-course Study of the Neurochemical Effects of Ketamine Administration in Healthy Humans. The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 21st Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Salt Lake City, UT.
- So, R., Steffen-Allen, F., Kegeles, L.S., Chrobak, J.J., & Chen, C.-M.A. (2013). Neural synchrony patterns and levels of GABA and glutamate/glutamine during working memory task in schizophrenia. Society for Neuroscience 43rd Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Steffen-Allen, F., So, R.P., Kegeles, L.S., Chrobak, J.J., & Chen, C.-M.A. (2013). Working memory performance, oscillatory patterns and levels of GABA and glutamine/glutamate in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex in schizophrenia. Society for Neuroscience 43rd Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Chrobak, J.J., Chen, C.-M., Long, L.L., & Corriveau, J.A. (2013). Yesterday, four hours, thirty and five minutes ago: Competition between spatial memories in the rat and the effects of acute and chronic ketamine. Society for Neuroscience 43rd Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Troyb, E., Knoch, K., Herlihy, L., Pajardo, C., Stevens, M., Chen, C.-M., Treadwell, K., Barton, M., & Fein, D. (2014). Do restricted and repetitive behaviors during early childhood predict school-age outcome among children with Autism Spectrum Disorders? The International Neuropsychological Society 42nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
- Robins, D.L., Casagrande, K., Barton, M., Chen, C.-M., Dumont-Mathieu, T., & Fein, D. (2014). Validation of the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers-Revised with Follow-up (M-CHAT-R/F). The International Neuropsychological Society 42nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
- Domingues, J., Treadwell, K.R., & Chen, C.-M. (2014). Attention Modification Training: Longitudinal Dose-Response Relationship.* Anxiety and Depression Conference 2014 of ADAA, Chicago, IL. *Individual oral presentation: “accepted following peer-revieiw. We had an unprecedented number of submissions, and the review committee selected only those that were the top-rated.”
- So, R.P., Steffen-Allen, F., Kegeles, L.S., Chrobak, J.J., & Chen, C.-M.A. (2014). Differences in Patterns of Neural Connectivity Between Schizophrenia Patients and Healthy Individuals Using Correct Trials of a Working Memory Task. Society of Biological Psychiatry 69th Annual Scientific Meeting, New York, NY.
- Steffen-Allen, F., So, R.P., Kegeles, L.S., Chrobak, J.J., & Chen, C.-M.A. (2014). Predictive Utility of Single-trial EEG Analysis in Schizophrenia: Working Memory Performance and GABA Levels. Society of Biological Psychiatry 69th Annual Scientific Meeting, New York, NY.
- Kegeles, L.S., Mao, X., Ojeil, N., Massuda, R., Pedrini, M., Chen, C.-M., Slifstein, M., Abi-Dargham, A., Milak, M., Rodriguez, C., & Shungu, D.C. (2014). GABA and glutamate as potential therapeutic targets in schizophrenia. Symposium: Research in Unmedicated Patient Populations: Insights into the Neurobiology of Schizophrenia. The 4th Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Conference, Florence, Italy.
- Robins, D.L., Casagrande, K., Barton, M., Chen, C.-M.A., Dumont-Mathieu, T., & Fein, D. (2014). Validation of the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers-Revised with Follow-up (M-CHAT-R/F). The International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
- Stolz, E., Kegeles, L.S., Chrobak, J.J., & Chen, C.-M.A. (2014). Ketamine induced neural oscillatory and neurochemical changes in healthy controls: A simultaneous EEG-MRS study. Society for Neuroscience 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Steffen-Allen, F., So, R.P., Kegeles, L.S., & Chen, C.-M.A. (2014). Modulation of neural oscillation as a function of time during working memory in patients with schizophrenia. Society for Neuroscience 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- So, R., Steffen-Allen, F., Kegeles, L.S., Chrobak, J.J., & Chen, C.-M.A. (2014). Neural synchrony between the DLPFC and ipsilateral and contralateral cortical regions in schizophrenia patients and healthy controls during a working memory task. Society for Neuroscience 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Chen, C.-M.A., Jiang, R., Kenney, J.G., Bi, J., & Johannesen, J.K. (2014). Application of machine learning to identify features of EEG associated with working memory performance in healthy adults and schizophrenia. Society for Neuroscience 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Long, L.L., Norris, A.A., Hinman, J.R., Chen, C.-M.A., Stevenson, I.H., Read, H.L., Escabi, M.A., & Chrobak, J.J. (2014). Novel acoustic stimuli can alter locomotor speed-theta relationship across the septotemporal axis of the hippocampus. Society for Neuroscience 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Chen, C.-M.A., Bi, J., Jiang, R., Kenney, J.G., & Johannesen, J.K. (2015). Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Enabled Memory Training for Schizophrenia. The 18th annual conference on Cognitive Remediation in Psychiatry, New York, NY
- Bi, J., Xu, T., Chen, C.-M.A., & Johannesen, J.K. (2015). Spatio-Temporal Modeling of EEG Data for Understanding Working Memory. The 32nd International Conference onMachine Learning (ICML 2015), Lille, France
- Michaels, T.I., Long, L.L., Chrobak, J.J., & Chen, C.-M.A. (2015). Ketamine induced chronic alterations of neural oscillatory amplitudes and cross-frequency couplings in the rat hippocampus: A translational model of schizophrenia. Society for Neuroscience 45th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Stolz, E., Kegeles, L.S., Chrobak, J.J., & Chen, C.-M.A. (2016). Ketamine induced neural oscillatory and neurochemical changes in healthy controls: A simultaneous EEG-MRS study. The International Neuropsychological Society 44th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
- Bi, J., Chen, C.-M., Xu, T., Kenney, J.G., & Johannesen, J.K. (2016).A tensor-based machine learning approach to EEG feature detection: Examination of working memory network dysfunction in schizophrenia. The 15th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, Philadelphia, PA.
- Ly, M., Rowny, S.B., Casal-Roscum, L., Gowatsky, J., Sehatpour, P., Prudic, J., Javitt, D.C., & Chen, C.-M.A. (2016). Magnetic seizure therapy in geriatric depression: neurophysiological characteristics. Society for Neuroscience 46th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Michaels, T.I., Long, L.L., Stevenson, I.H., Chrobak, J.J., Chen, C.-M.A. (2016). The effects of ketamine on cross-frequency couplings and alterations in locomotive speed in the rat hippocampus: Implications for translational models of schizophrenia. Society for Neuroscience 46th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Dombrowski, C.V., Young, K.J., Chen, C.-M., & Treadwell, K. (2017).Validity Performance in an Anxious Undergraduate Sample. The International Neuropsychological Society 45th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Steffen-Allen, F., Kegeles, L.S., & Chen, C.-M. (2017). Increased delta as a compensatory mechanism during working memory in high-performing patients with schizophrenia. The International Neuropsychological Society 45th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Ly, M., Michaels, T., Molfese, P.,Chen, C.-M., Wang, L., & Burke, J. (2017). Feedback Negativity in Arithmetic Task Distinguishes Dimensions of ODD. Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2017 Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada
- Michaels, T.I., Ly, M., Molfese, P., Wang, L., Chen, C.-M., & Burke, J.D. (2017). Resting state functional connectivity in oppositional defiant disorder. Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2017 Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada
- Yang, X., Palmer, A., Kegeles, L.S., Rodriguez, C.I., Bi, J., Johannesen, J.K., & Chen, C.-M. (2017). 1-norm support vector machine on single-trial EEG and ECG data to identify neural oscillatory features in the ketamine model for schizophrenia: using your head and following your heart. Selected as an individual oral presentation by a peer-review panel, nanosymposium 363- Corticolimbic Circuits in Emotion and Psychiatric Disorders, Society for Neuroscience 47th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Johannesen, J.K., Bi, J., Kenney, J.G., & Chen, C.-M. (2018). Restoration of neural activity supporting working memory in schizophrenia by computer-based cognitive remediation training. Annual Conference of Society for Research in Psychopathology, Indianapolis, IN.
- Ly, M., Scarneo, S.E., Lepley, A.S., Coleman, K., Chen, C.-M., & Casa, D.J. (2018). Classifying concussion in university athletes using diffusion tensor imaging. Society for Neuroscience 48th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Michaels, T. (g)., Chen, C.-M., Hancock, R., Corlett, P., & Powers, A. (2021). Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Investigation of Conditioned Auditory Percepts. Biological Psychiatry, 89(9), S154. Published abstract for 2021 Annual Meeting for Society of Biological Psychiatry. Journal Impact Factor (2020): 13.382 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.02.395
- Yang, X. (g), So, R. (g), Steffen-Allen, F. (g), Stolz, E. (g), Michaels, T. (g), Ly, M.T. (g)., & Chen, C.-M. (2021). Processing speed as the most sensitive neuropsychological indicator of white matter structural change in Schizophrenia. 19th Annual American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology Conference, June 9-12 2021.
- Yang, X. (g), Steffen-Allen, F. (g), So, R. (g), Michaels, T. (g), Ly, M.T. (g)., Farina, E. (g), & Chen, C.-M. (2022). Frontotemporal Connectivity and Working Memory Deficit in Schizophrenia. 2022 Annual International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Conference, February 2-4, 2022.
Talks in Seminars, Symposium, Courses, and Scientific Programs
- Chi-Ming Chen (2004). Neurophysiology of Intermodal Selective Attention in Macaque Auditory Cortex. Selected as an individual oral presentation by a peer-review panel, Advances in Primate Auditory Neurophysiology (APAN) II, San Diego, CA.
- Schroeder, C.E., Lakatos, P., Chen, C.-M., Radman, T., Barczak, A.-M. (2009). Aligning the Brain in a Rhythmic World. Invited Short Course II: Rhythms of the Neocortex: Where Do They Come From and What Are They Good For? Society for Neuroscience 39th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Chen, C.-M., Kegeles, L.S., & Lisanby, S.H. (2010). GABA, neuronal synchrony, and neurocognitive efficiency in schizophrenia. NCDEU 50th Anniversary Meeting, Boca Raton, FL. (selected as the best posters for online courses with CME credits; independently developed by the CME Institute of Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.)
- Chen, C.-M. (3/15/2012). Cognitive function and sensory processing in schizophrenia: EEG, MRS, and TMS approaches. Invited presentation, Staff Talks, Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, CT.
- Chen, C.-M. (7/11/2012). Cognitive function and sensory processing in schizophrenia: EEG, MRS, and TMS approaches. Invited presentation, Seminar, VA-CMHC-Yale Learning Based Recovery Center, West Haven, CT.
- Chen, C.-M. (9/27/2012). EEG Analyses for Neurophysiological Disorders. Invited lecture, CSE Special Topic: Computational Biomedical Informatics (taught by Dr. Jinbo Bi, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering), UConn, Storrs, CT
- Chen, C.-M. (4/8/2013). Gamma, GABA, and ketamine: Investigating fortune-telling mechanisms by EEG, MRS, and TMS. Invited presentation, Brigham Research Institute (BRI) Seminar Series/Lectures, Department of Psychiatry and Institute for the Neurosciences, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
- Kegeles, L.S., Chen, C.-M., Mao, X., Ojeil, N., Gil, R., Slifstein, M., Abi-Dargham, A., Stanford, A., Lisanby, S.H., Schroeder, C.E., & Shungu, D.C. (2013). GABA abnormalities in schizophrenia: Relation to function. Selected as an individual oral presentation by a peer-review panel, International Congress on Schizophrenia Research (ICoSR) 14th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. (ACCME AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Symposium on “GABA in schizophrenia”)
- Chen, C.-M. (7/18/2013). Investigation and Treatment of Auditory Verbal Hallucinations in Schizophrenia: ECoG, EEG, and TMS studies. Invited presentation, Brain Bag Seminar, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
- Chen, C.-M. (11/15/2013). Investigation and Treatment of Auditory Verbal Hallucinations in Schizophrenia: EEG, TMS, and Nanotechnological Studies. Invited presentation, Psychiatry Grand Round, Department of Psychiatry, UConn Health Center, Farmington, CT
- Chen, C.-M. (12/5/2013). Corollary Discharge in Human and Its Implication for Auditory Hallucinations. Invited presentation, Workshop of Life and the Sciences of Complexity, Center for the Ecological Study of Perception & Action, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
- Domingues, J. (g), Treadwell, K.R., & Chen, C.-M. (March, 2014). Attention Modification Training: Longitudinal Dose-Response Relationship. Selected as an individual oral presentation by a peer-review panel, Anxiety and Depression Conference 2014 of Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), Chicago, IL.
- Robins, D.L., Casagrande, K., Barton, M., Chen, C.-M.A., Dumont-Mathieu, T., & Fein, D. (5/16/2014). Validation of the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers-Revised with Follow-up (M-CHAT-R/F). Selected as an individual oral presentation by a peer-review panel, The International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
- So, R. (g), Steffen-Allen, F. (g), Kegeles, L.S., Chrobak, J.J., & Chen, C.-M.A. (11/18/2014). Neural synchrony between the DLPFC and ipsilateral and contralateral cortical regions in schizophrenia patients and healthy controls during a working memory task. Selected as an individual oral presentation by a peer-review panel, nanosymposium 487- Biomarkers for Psychosis: EEG and Imaging, Society for Neuroscience 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Chen, C.-M.A. (11/18/2014). Application of machine learning to identify features of EEG associated with working memory performance in healthy adults and schizophrenia. Selected as an individual oral presentation by a peer-review panel, nanosymposium 487- Biomarkers for Psychosis: EEG and Imaging, Society for Neuroscience 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Bi, J., Xu, T., Chen, C.-M.A., & Johannesen, J.K. (July 6-11, 2015). Spatio-Temporal Modeling of EEG Data for Understanding Working Memory. Invited paper/talk in the workshop of The 32nd International Conference onMachine Learning (ICML 2015), Lille, France
- Chen, C.-M.A. (9/19/2016). My Research Road Map for Understanding Cognitive Functions in Schizophrenia. Invited presentation, BSTP Neuroscience Seminar in Psychiatry, Yale Psychiatry Biological Sciences Training Program (Biological Sciences Training Program in Psychiatry: NIMH-Funded T32 Training Grant), Yale School of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, CT
- Steffen-Allen, F., Kegeles, L.S., Chen, C.-M. (2/3/2017). Increased delta as a compensatory mechanism during working memory in high-performing patients with schizophrenia.Selected as an individual oral presentation by a peer-review panel, Paper/Talk Session 11, Mental Illness Session, of The International Neuropsychological Society 45th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Chen, C.-M.A. (3/15/2017). EEG and OCD. Invited Talk, audience of faculty, postdocs, RAs, undergraduate student, Rodriguez Lab/Translational Therapeutics Lab, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, School of Medicine, Stanford University, Palo Alto
- Chen, C.-M. (4/25/2017). Schizophrenia. Invited lecture, PSY 418 Physiological Psychology (taught by Dr. Jenna Scisco, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Science), Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT
- Yang, X., Palmer, A., Kegeles, L.S., Rodriguez, C., Bi, J., Johannesen, J.K., & Chen, C.-M. (11/13/2017). 1-norm support vector machine on single-trial EEG and ECG data to identify neural oscillatory features in the ketamine model for schizophrenia: using your head and following your heart. Selected as an individual oral presentation by a peer-review panel, nanosymposium 363- Corticolimbic Circuits in Emotion and Psychiatric Disorders, Society for Neuroscience 47th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Chen, C.-M. (1/30/2018). Understanding Cognitive and Perceptual Functions in Schizophrenia: multidisciplinary perspectives based on EEG studies. Invited lecture, neuroscience senior seminar, Trinity College, Hartford, CT
- Chen, C.-M. (10/23/2018). One theory to rule them all: an over-arching theory of human brain efficiency in goal-related behaviors. Invited talk, The Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research (audience: New York State research-line scientists, psychiatrists, New York University and Columbia University faculty, full-time research assistants, graduate students), Orangeburg, NY
- Chen, C.-M. (11/09/2018). From theories to data and back again to theories: understanding cognitive and perceptual functions. Invited talk, Rodriguez Lab/Translational Therapeutics Lab, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, School of Medicine, Stanford University (audience: faculty, postdocs, interns, full-time research assistants, graduate and undergraduate students), Palo Alto, CA
- Chen, C.-M. (12/05/2018). From theories to data and back again to theories: understanding cognitive and perceptual functions. Invited talk, Integrated Neuroscience and Treatment Program, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine (audience: psychiatrists, faculty, full-time research assistants, postdocs, graduate students), Houston, TX